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Do You Hold Back to Protect Yourself?

I read a really good blog post last week that inspired the heck out of me. I HAD to share it with you… Christine Cress is the name of the leadership coach who wrote this amazingly insightful blog post, titled “Was He Ever Invested?” You really, truly, should make time to read this… In the […]

How to Deal with the Loneliness of Being an Online Entrepreneur

I don’t know about you, but I sometimes feel discouraged or confused – looking for indicators I’m on the right track. Yesterday, I was sitting on my back porch thinking about how my business has never been better. Our team is thriving and loving the work. Our clients are thrilled at our performance and hiring […]

Authentic Leadership: Leaders Aren’t Born, They Are Made

A good quote and reminder for you: “Leaders aren’t born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.” ~ Vince Lombardi As we march the sometimes lonely solopreneur journey to business success, there is […]

3 Quick Productivity Reminders to Stay on Your A-Game

The demands on an entrepreneur are at an all-time high, and the intensity is only rising. To-do lists are getting longer and customers expect results faster, which means you are being forced to manage your time – every minute of it – otherwise your business will crumble. If you want to stay on top of […]

Perfection is the Enemy of Progress!

“Perfection is the Enemy of Progress!” Churchill said that and boy was he right! I had a coaching call with a client last week. He had awesome ideas and all the potential in the world, but his business was just inching along. His website was half-baked, he hadn’t gotten any paying customers yet, and he […]

The Grass is NOT Greener on the Other Side

The grass is NOT greener on the other side. I’ve said that a lot in the past year or two… and it is total #truth. Have you ever looked at someone you admire and thought about how easy they must have it or how much you wish you could experience what they do? The “The Grass […]

You Don’t Have to Be All Things, to All People, All the Time

Today, I have a very important reminder for you: You don’t have to be all things, to all people, all the time. Isn’t that incredibly zesty and refreshing? Let me tell you why this came up for me this week… I recently got a very interested prospect emailing me saying he wanted me to help […]

Overcome Failures and Flaws for Faster Results

Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn. Boy, isn’t that the truth? Sometimes we scroll through our Facebook feed and feel super lame, inadequate, and like we’re just plain not good enough. I hate that feeling! It’s a very common response that springs from social media though. We see all the “good stuff” people promote and […]

Why Most Goals and Resolutions Don’t Work + How To Achieve Yours!

Just before the New Year, social media was buzzing with people who were SO excited for a fresh start… New Year’s resolutions flew off the pages… Everyone was sharing their “word” for the year. I have to be honest – I worried I was being negative – but this overwhelming discomfort overcame me. After years of […]

Online Entrepreneurs: Get Out of Your Own Way!

“Get out of your own way! Stop the paralysis by analysis…dream your dream, then wake up and bring it to life!” Dr. Steve Maraboli said that and you and I both know he was right! What really stops us from doing what we know we need to do – or, heck, even what we want […]

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