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Authentic Leadership: Leaders Aren’t Born, They Are Made

A good quote and reminder for you:

“Leaders aren’t born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.”
~ Vince Lombardi

As we march the sometimes lonely solopreneur journey to business success, there is suffering and doubt marching by our sides. We wonder if we really have what it takes to make our dreams and goals a reality.

You do have what it takes…

You have a great responsibility…

People ARE watching and listening to you (even when you are convinced otherwise).

Authentic Leadership is something I believe very strongly in.

Being authentic is all about being genuine. Taking the time to be present and listen to others. Sharing yourself fully in a tender and honest manner.

Being a leader requires strength, courage, discipline, and patience. It means showing up day in and day out with the goal to just…. give. Leaders aren’t born, they are made. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

I share this today because IF you are behind on blogging, IF you stopped posting on Facebook, IF you talked yourself out of recording that video, IF you abandoned that product idea… you are missing out on the opportunity to lead and serve and make an impact.

It’s not about how perfect you are.

It’s not about how groomed and fit you look on video.

It’s not about how impressed people can be with you.

Each small effort you put forth in marketing IS about how much you can give back to others. To share your ideas and talents and gifts with those who crave your knowledge. It’s about being accessible, consistent, and available to those in need.

When you make these small shifts in your approach, you’ll find clients and customers are attracted to you like a magnet. You’ll pull people in with grace and ease because all people want is to be heard, respected, and loved.

Be yourself. Focus on giving and sharing. Consistently put content (your ideas, thoughts, feelings) out to the world. Stay present.

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