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Outlast Your Competition

Sometimes people ask me if it’s good or bad to “give away the farm.” Sometimes people hold back their greatness in marketing so their competitors don’t steal their hard-earned work. Sometimes people are so protective of their work, it never sees the light of day.

My two cents?

Outlasting your competition does NOT take working 24/7

It does NOT mean taking 0 vacation days…or answering every email you get within the hour…or saying yes to every person who wants to work with you…

In fact, for 15 years, I’ve proudly displayed all of my pricing and payment plans in my pricing menu, I’ve shared the steps of our service process in broad daylight on our website, I’ve given away all of my “secrets” (ha!) in speeches and on YouTube, and I’ve even coached these straight up ‘competitors’ how to have better retention in their agencies.

In order to outlast your competition… you have to understand one simple thing: 

There is no competition.

Allow me to explain…

When you are clear on your foundation (your WHY, Avatar, core values, and vision) and your business is in alignment, no one can touch what you do.

With a strong foundation in place, you attract clients who align with your values, your WHY, and your vision. They connect with it—and with you

Those meaningful connections can’t be found…or bought…anywhere else. 

Once people have found their tribe (the people they really resonate with), they stick with them for the long term. 

And when they find that in YOU, your “competition” isn’t even a factor in their minds.

Embracing Authenticity:

Sooo many people in this world are afraid to be fully self-expressed…but that self-expression is where the magic happens. It’s the biggest differentiator of them all. 

(What do I mean by fully self-expressed? I mean not putting on a fake show on social – that templated, vanilla junk – and instead choosing to be truly and authentically you in all your forms. Your best, your contemplative side, your depth, your life’s thoughts and work. My IG is an example of my truth. I practice what I preach. This continues to be one of my favorite posts of the year so far.)

So the next time you find yourself worrying about outlasting your “competition,” I encourage you to shift your focus on ensuring that you’re in alignment and your foundation is rock solid…

…and to remind yourself that you really aren’t competing with one another after all 🙂 

What comes up for you as you read this? Click here and let me know. I’d looove to hear from you!

(P.S.) NGNG is undergoing some major and exciting changes this summer. We are revamping our programs, shaking up our model, aligning with partners in deep ways, opening NEW and BOLD offers, and going all in on my biggest and most daring dreams. I hope you’ll stick with me. It’s time for our highest and best. Yours included. 🙂

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