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An Easy Way to Monetize Your Blog Posts | 4-min Fast Track Video Ep #20

Did you know that there is a way to easily monetize your blog posts? That’s right! If you produce blog posts for your readers, there is an incredibly easy thing you can do to generate sales and help grow your business… With a little effort, a decent video camera, and a strong focus on providing […]

Guest Blogging Still Rocks | 4-min Fast Track Video Ep #17

I’m guessing that you would love to dramatically increase your website traffic, subscribers, and customers. Am I right? If so, you should consider guest blogging. This is one of those amazing opportunities to grow along with those in your online community. Everybody wins. You leverage successful networks, build professional relationships with other industry leaders, and […]

7 Website Strategies that Boost Your Credibility

I’m in the mood to offer a nice big dose of VALUE, so buckle up! You already know that your website has the power to make or break your success. One of the KEY ingredients website visitors search your website for is credibility. Proof that you actually know what you’re doing. So today, I offer you… […]

This Simple & Effective Marketing Strategy Packs a Punch!

I want to share a simple yet HIGHLY effective idea that 95% of people I talk to haven’t executed. I had an awesome coaching call with client Elma Mayer yesterday. Not familiar with Elma? She is the founder of Now Healing and has taught over 40,000 people from all walks of life to do effective, instant energy healing […]

Content Creation for Coaches – Building Personal Connections

A client recently asked me about her content marketing strategy, wondering what she should include in her blog posts and newsletters. She also wanted to more clearly understand what the difference is between the two. Now, she’s a coach who deals with women’s leadership issues who would like to sell more of her workshops. (Wouldn’t […]

Affiliate Marketing Basics – How to Promote Your Affiliate’s Programs

Now that you’ve decided to make extra income through affiliate programs, it’s time to talk about marketing them to ensure that you actually do create a new income stream from the commissions you hope to receive. Create a Launch Plan …just as your affiliate developed a plan to launch their product or service to create […]

6 Secrets for Finding Blog Topics to Improve SEO

Despite the changes that have taken place over the last few years, the foundation for online business success has a foundation of blogging. Why do I say this? Because, even with all of the changes that Google has put us through lately, they still index and rank your website based on the quality of the […]

How to Write Content for the Web

If you’re a website or online newbie, you are probably on “information overload” about the what to do and what not to do online. This blog is dedicated to teaching you the right way to do things to get the best results. Do check back regularly for new content, tips and resources, or even easier, […]

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