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6 Secrets for Finding Blog Topics to Improve SEO

Despite the changes that have taken place over the last few years, the foundation for online business success has a foundation of blogging.

Why do I say this? Because, even with all of the changes that Google has put us through lately, they still index and rank your website based on the quality of the content you offer.

In other words, if you’re not posting quality information on a regular basis, Google will ignore you!

In a previous post, Strategic Blogging: Finding Subjects to Blog About & How to Structure Your Blog Posts, I shared with you one of my favorite exercises on how to build a list of subjects for blogging. I call it the Big Content List.

Today, I want to offer six more powerful ideas to help you find inspiration for blogging when you’re stuck:

  1. Survey your audience.
    One of the best ways to find subjects for your blog is to ASK. By definition, your audience is the marketplace for ideas that you’re trying to reach – so why not simply ask what’s important to them?You can do this in a variety of ways: ask for comments on your existing blog posts, send emails to your list, offer client questionnaires, or even on a client phone call.

    Ask them, “What matters to you right now?” “What’s your burning question right now?” What’s your biggest fear or challenge?” or “What’s your biggest goal?”. In other words, when you’re stuck searching for a topic that matters to your audience, don’t guess…ask!

  2. Take good notes when speaking with clients.
    This is especially useful for coaches who speak to clients regularly. Take detailed notes about every coaching session and use them to develop new subjects for blogging. After all, each client you speak with will have something important to him or her that requires thought and action, and it will probably be just as important to others.
  3. Offer client questionnaires.
    You do ask your clients to fill out a questionnaire when you begin working with them, don’t you? If not, there is real gold in the answers they give you. Use that information as inspiration to keep the creative juices flowing for blogging topics.
  4. Search online forums and groups.
    LinkedIn is a great place to find groups and forums on topics that matter to your audience. There are literally millions of forums and groups out there on absolutely any subject you care to mention. A quick survey of any of them should tell you what the hot topic is at any given moment, providing inspiration for you to address the issue from your own point of view.
  5. Search Amazon for books on your topic.
    I LOVE this one. If you’re really struggling to find a topic to write about, go to Amazon and search for it under books. Choose a book and check out the Table of Contents.Do you have any idea how many ideas you may find there? There may be literally dozens of specific ideas for looking at your topic that never even occurred to you. Suddenly, because of that simple line from the ToC, you can start writing your own post from that unique perspective.
  6. GGI – Go Google It!
    Yes, it’s really that simple. When you’re feeling stuck for ideas, do a Google search for one of your favorite topics and see what others are saying about it! Of course, you do NOT want to copy other content. Instead, use Google to find a new way to look at your topic – something that fires you up that will enable you to blog better to your audience.

It should go without saying that as you’re doing all of this online research make sure you add the ideas you’ve gotten to the Big Content List mentioned above.

There is SO much more I can share with you about how to improve your content marketing strategy, not only to make it easier for you, but also to get the best return for your time… so from here, you have two options:

  1. Sign up for my email list and you can see how I structure MY emails, how I connect, how I sell, and how I get results. You’ll also receive my FREE 8-video series, The 7 Deadliest Mistakes You’re Making on Your Website.
  2. Get in touch with me today and apply for a complimentary 45-minute strategy session. This is where I can take a deep dive into your business, struggles, and goals, and together we’ll make a plan of action you’re not only excited about, but one that pushes your business forward. Then, I’ll get to work on your behalf, supporting you and your efforts in every way I can!

Great post!”
– Cedric Davis Author

Absolutely excellent and useful tips. Hmmm… maybe I’ll do a visual summary for this post. Thanks, Amber.”
– Todd Clarke Visual One Pagers

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