How to Generate 100 Blog Post Ideas & Repurpose Your Content | 4-min Fast Track Video Ep #55
Get ready for a great content marketing strategy that seriously rocks! If you struggle with content creation and need to come up with a steady stream of blog post ideas, you’re going to LOVE the fast track tip I’m sharing today! You’re about to learn… How to generate 100 blog post ideas! This is an easy […]
Guest Blogging Still Rocks | 4-min Fast Track Video Ep #17
I’m guessing that you would love to dramatically increase your website traffic, subscribers, and customers. Am I right? If so, you should consider guest blogging. This is one of those amazing opportunities to grow along with those in your online community. Everybody wins. You leverage successful networks, build professional relationships with other industry leaders, and […]
How to Implement Effective SEO for Your Blog Posts | 4-min Fast Track Video Ep #2
Does the mere thought of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) make you cringe? Well, when you find out how easily you can implement SEO into your blog posts – and how much free traffic it could bring your way – you might start to feel a little differently. That’s right…FREE traffic! I’m sharing the exact steps […]
Content Creation for Coaches – Building Personal Connections
A client recently asked me about her content marketing strategy, wondering what she should include in her blog posts and newsletters. She also wanted to more clearly understand what the difference is between the two. Now, she’s a coach who deals with women’s leadership issues who would like to sell more of her workshops. (Wouldn’t […]
6 Secrets for Finding Blog Topics to Improve SEO
Despite the changes that have taken place over the last few years, the foundation for online business success has a foundation of blogging. Why do I say this? Because, even with all of the changes that Google has put us through lately, they still index and rank your website based on the quality of the […]
Strategic Blogging: Finding Subjects to Blog About & How to Structure Your Blog Posts
Ever get stuck trying to figure out what to write about for your blog? Google constantly searches for fresh content and, if you don’t offer the high-quality content they’re looking for, you’ll never improve your ranking (and you’ll lose out on a lot of visitors to your website). Now, you have to remember it takes […]
What Will Happen If You Don’t Publish Content on a Regular Basis
Are you struggling with the “I don’t have any time!!” syndrome? Do you feel like you are constantly trying to catch up and never seem to have control over what you’re doing? Trust me when I tell you, this is NOT an effective way to run a business long-term. If you are in a constant state of fight-or-flight […]
How to Write Content for the Web
If you’re a website or online newbie, you are probably on “information overload” about the what to do and what not to do online. This blog is dedicated to teaching you the right way to do things to get the best results. Do check back regularly for new content, tips and resources, or even easier, […]
Are You Really Connecting with Your Audience?
One of the toughest parts about running a business online is that it is a challenge to truly connect with your audience. For example, YOU. Right at this moment, you’re reading this post and I’m hoping I can make a connection. I am hoping you see there is a person writing this who wants to […]
4 Things Every Blogger Needs to Know – Lessons Based on Julie Powell of Julie & Julia
Clients, family and friends all seemed to glow with this strange excitement after watching the Blockbuster hit Julie and Julia, book written by Julie Powell. Everyone suddenly wanted to start a blog. I thought the movie was about Meryl Streep playing Julia Child…? Well six months or so after the movie released, I finally broke down and saw it. Being a blogger, I was filled with inspiration to say the least. (See the bottom of this post for a trailer on the movie.)
Once I finished the two hour movie, I started thinking about the underlying message and how Bloggers out there can lean from it. So I have a list of 4 Things Every Blogger Needs to Know all based on the things Julie, the move blogger, did to achieve her success (based on a true story btw).