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The Decision to Jump Into Your Business with Both Feet

Fourteen years ago, I was sitting in a room with 100 other college-aged kids. I showed up to this 3-day training for a sales job – alone and scared.

I was not outgoing, I was FULL of doubt and fear, and I didn’t have much belief in my abilities… but I was open enough to try something new. I thought maybe, just maybe, this could lead somewhere.

The trainer, Keri, was going through her introduction speech. Seven hours of training were ahead of me that first day and with each passing minute, I wondered if I made a mistake by being there.

But then she said something that would change my life forever. She said…

There are three types of people in the world.

The first is the fence sitter. The person that sits on the fence and watches what everyone else is doing.

The second is the person that dips their pinky toe in the water. They test it out, change directions constantly, and over-think every little thing before they commit.

The third person is the person that jumps in with both feet. They make a decision and are all in. They commit to their success. They don’t take no for an answer. They find the way or make the way.

…At just eighteen years old, I decided right then and there that I wasn’t going to mess around and waste time. I was going to commit. I would be “all in” in all areas of my life. I was going to make things happen for myself, and that’s exactly what I did.

Success doesn’t just come easily to some and not others. If you want more from your life or business, commit, and go get what you want.

This is your time…

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