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A 4-Step Process to Simplify Your Business Actions

You know that feeling when it seems like there is just too much to do? Your body feels tight and adrenaline is pumping.

The name of the game is “Simplify.”

We have crazy unrealistic expectations we put on ourselves to do more, and more, and more, and more…

Maybe I can’t help with your expectations, but I CAN help you to simplify. (I’ve been able to totally nail this process.)

Step 1. Stay focused on the present moment. (No, this isn’t a woo-woo message.)

  • By staying focused, you can start to really become aware of the tasks you’re doing more than twice.
  • When I realize I’m doing something more than twice, I figure out a way to automate it.
  • Example? If clients ask me the same question about how to do a certain process, I make a video out of it, then just share the video in the future instead of answering the same Qs over and over. Time saver? You betcha!

Step 2. Stop the lie you’re telling yourself that you have to do it all.

  • Hate Twitter? Then don’t be on it. No one is saying you need to be active on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, AND YouTube at the same time. Start with one or two networks, get good at the process, then expand.
  • When you try to do too much, nothing gets done well.
  • Bottom line? We have to learn to stop overdoing it.

Step 3. Chillax the entrepreneur chatterbox inside you.

  • Yes, you have a dozen new ideas every day. You’re blessed with that creative gene. But you don’t have to execute all ideas (especially not all at once).
  • Have an ideas folder where you write everything down so nothing gets lost. Have an honest conversation with yourself on what you think will A) actually be successful, B) be fun to create and C) make you feel excited every day in your business. Then, do those tasks first.
  • (P.S.) And like Step 2, if you have new ideas, talk to an expert (like me!) to see how you can integrate them into your current platform (vs. trying to start up new websites and blogs and social networks for each new idea – gross.)

(Bonus!) Step 4. Put it all on your website.

  • Maybe one of the best things I ever did for myself was deciding to make short videos for each service page on my website. Want to know our process or options for websites? We have a video for that. Want to know our process or options for social media graphic design? We have a video for that. You get the idea.
  • I’m not saying you have to put pricing on your website (I largely don’t), but the more clear you can be on your website, the more time you’ll save on sales calls and answering questions for prospects. And the kicker? Prospects feel mega appreciative you are so transparent, they get more fired up about what you do, and it actually leads to an increase in sales. Boom!

Take a cold hard look around your biz this week, and see what you can do to simplify. Working smarter, not harder, is in everyone’s best interest.

Like these tips? Comment below and let me know to “keep it comin’!”

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