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The No Guts No Glory Challenge!

Summer has passed, kids are back in school, and the keyboard is just staring at you… ready for you to take serious action.

It’s the fall. You want to finish the year strong. Maybe you’re already thinking about your January launch plans. Maybe you’re thinking about how to make 2017 your BEST year ever.

But something somewhere might be nagging at you – not necessarily right now…. just sometimes in your quiet moments. Is it self-doubt? Is it nerves because you know it’s time to step up and prove what you’re capable of achieving?

Remember… you can BE, DO, CREATE, and HAVE anything you want. You might believe that at the surface level but now it’s time to know it at the deepest level inside yourself.

It is HARD facing yourself and seeing what you’re really made of. But you know what? If you actually put the pedal to the metal, you’ll see you are capable of SO MUCH more than you ever could have imagined.

Today I want to share a “No Guts No Glory” challenge that I presented to this community back in 2013, which was a total game-changer for many.

Step 1

Go to your favorite social network. As a sign of your commitment to your mission to impact as many people as possible, publish this post: “I am making a conscious choice to step up and impact as many people as possible this fall! Will you join me?”

Step 2

Grab the closest piece of paper you can and spend a few minutes right now creating a one-page remembrance document. Include:

  • A brief statement proclaiming your WHY. Why are you going to impact as many people as possible this fall?
  • Create an outline of the things you are going to commit to doing this season to achieve your goal. This list could include things like blogging twice a week, doing a daily meditation, creating an eBook, developing new relationships on social media, etc.
  • Then, hand-write this at the bottom of the page: “I am making a conscious choice to step up and impact as many people as possible this Fall! I am going to keep going no matter what gets in my way. No Guts, No Glory!”

Step 3

Tape that paper to the wall right next to your computer so you can’t deny, ignore, or forget your promise to make a difference.

Join me in stretching past any comfort zones, no longer playing small, ignoring stress and roadblocks, and stepping into your greatest power.

Your success starts today. Make it count.

Amber Vilhauer

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