How To Construct Your Video Content for Maximum Impact | 4-min Fast Track Video Ep #63

I’d like to share a video training with you today answering a question that comes from our NGNG community member, Dr. Garric Vosloo, that many business owners want to know. How do you construct your video content so that it creates an impact? You wouldn’t go on a road trip without directions, and you wouldn’t create […]
Develop a Content Plan in 5 Minutes | 4-min Fast Track Video Ep #8

Looking for a content structure to help build your business? I am about to teach you an incredibly easy exercise that will enable you to develop a content plan and boost your business success. And guess what? You can actually do this in about 5 minutes! This will help grow your business, appeal to your audience, reduce […]
2 Tips to Improve Your Content

We all know how important your content is to the success of your business. Website content, blogs, newsletters….even emails! Right now, I want to share some actionable copywriting tips that you can use to make a real difference in your business. Copywriting is tricky. You can’t just throw something online and hope that it generates […]
How and Why to Repurpose Your Content | 4-min Fast Track Video Ep #1

Do you ever feel overwhelmed trying to figure out what to do with your content? With so many ways to distribute content these days, it’s no wonder why so many people are pulling their hair out trying to figure out what’s best for their business. Everyone has a preference for how they absorb content. Some […]
Closing the Sale – How Much Free Content Should you Give Away?

Giving away free stuff does a few things for you that nothing else can do: it helps to increase credibility, builds loyalty, and enhances your reputation as an expert in your niche. In the long run, offering exceptional value to potential customers and clients is the best way to build your online business. On the […]
6 Secrets for Finding Blog Topics to Improve SEO

Despite the changes that have taken place over the last few years, the foundation for online business success has a foundation of blogging. Why do I say this? Because, even with all of the changes that Google has put us through lately, they still index and rank your website based on the quality of the […]
Build Your Online Business: The 5-Pillar Strategy for 6-Figure Success

Everyone needs an online platform. This is your sphere of influence online based on all of your touchpoints – your website, Facebook, networking, etc. It’s challenging to build a business online and cut through the noise of hundreds of millions of websites online and be heard. You must have a strategy and a focused action […]