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My Business Mindset: 21 Top Actions for a Successful Business

Today I want to share some of my top business truths in hopes that you can achieve a mindset shift or receive a nugget to help you achieve greater levels of success.Amber Ludwig-Vilhauer

  1. You deserve to live your dreams!!
  2. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Enough said.
  3. Spend dedicated time every single day to think about (and more importantly, feel) what you are grateful for. Not only does it heal any wounds from the day or from the past, but it creates a tsunami of good vibes that comes back to you like a boomerang.
  4. Be overly, obviously kind, and upbeat in your emails. Too many emails are read the wrong way and end up hurting relationships.
  5. Don’t be afraid or hesitant to admit if you are wrong. People will respect that you can be real with them and not let your ego get in the way.
  6. Always go the extra mile to thank people for referring work to you, saying kind words, sharing your message on social media, endorsements, and the like. If they made the effort, you should make a bigger effort.
  7. Stop beating yourself up!
  8. Support your clients as much and as often as you can. Don’t take a single client for granted! Ever! They need your help and they asked you for a reason. They look up to you. Now THAT is awesome…
  9. Pay your people the minute you get their invoice. It’s not right to make them wait. Treat them as the gold that they are.
  10. Take your time to cultivate the following, team, and clientele that you crave. There’s no need to rush. Your masterpiece is finished one brushstroke at a time. Spending the time to surround yourself with good people will only drive your success further.
  11. Stop feeling guilty about charging for your time or services. YOU have VALUE. People expect to pay to get access to that value. Believe in yourself. Trust. Then put on your big girl or big boy pants and charge what you’re worth.
  12. Realize you are human and you need balance. You can’t be all things to all people all the time. Your clients will understand if you need breaks or a little longer on a project. And if they don’t, they probably aren’t your ideal clients anyway.
  13. Believe in abundance. No need to take it personally if you didn’t close that sale or if someone wronged you. There is simply no time to play the victim. Be bigger than that.
  14. Offer as much value as you possibly can, always. And just when you think you’ve given it a great effort, give more. It will come back to you tenfold.
  15. Don’t wait until all of your ducks are in a perfect row before you act. There isn’t time to waste. Take constant action in your business and you won’t believe the good results coming your way hard and fast.
  16. Stop thinking small numbers mean you or your results aren’t good enough. All you need is one person who believes in you because they will tell someone else how great you are. Then you’ll have two fans. The numbers will multiply from there if you give value. Treat each follower and each client and each subscriber as your closest and dearest friend. You’ll never know when they hit that tipping point of telling everyone about you. Work hard. Treat people right.
  17. Always, always listen to your intuition about a thing. If it feels like a warning sign is burning a hole in you, change directions! You’re allowed.
  18. Give back as much as you possibly can. You can always give more.
  19. Do what you want to do because you love it and you’re passionate about it. NOT because it is a way to make money. Money will come and go in life but the feeling in your heart and soul – the pride, the joy, the peace, the passion – money can’t buy those things. Life is too short. Don’t waste it.
  20. Don’t forget the little guys. As you become more successful, you will be more in demand. Everyone will want advice, “quick questions”, favors, and your support. While you can only do so much, don’t become so big (in your ego) that you only start helping the giants who will fuel your growth in faster. You were a little guy once too. Remember that – constantly. Don’t let your ego get in your way. When a little guy asks for help, find time to help. It’s about adding value and giving back – everyone is equal.
  21. Be your greatest self. Always. Enough said.
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