My Big News and Update
Thank you to everyone who took time to fill out my 3-question survey two weeks ago. Your responses confirmed my instincts about the education and experience that would help you grow your business in a more profitable, impactful, and fulfilling way. I wanted to let you know that I have taken your feedback to heart […]
Outlast Your Competition
Sometimes people ask me if it’s good or bad to “give away the farm.” Sometimes people hold back their greatness in marketing so their competitors don’t steal their hard-earned work. Sometimes people are so protective of their work, it never sees the light of day. My two cents? Outlasting your competition does NOT take working […]
Navigating Your Bandwidth
Sooo many awesome conversations were sparked from the message I shared with you about self-imposed deadlines last Tuesday (thank you!), and today I want to build on that momentum by talking about another thing that keeps coming up in my coaching calls — Navigating your bandwidth. This is a hot topic for us entrepreneurs! We’re […]
Mastering Deadlines: Achieve More Without the Stress!
Have you ever given yourself a deadline with the goal of preventing stress and keeping yourself on track…only for that self-imposed deadline to end up doing the exact opposite? This is something I’ve seen a LOT of in my coaching calls recently. 😬 Although we have the best of intentions, these deadlines sometimes lead us […]
Sharing Multiple Messages
Have you ever felt like you were “supposed” to have only ONE message to share with the world? If you have, you’re not alone. The idea that you “should” have just one thing to say comes up aaall the time in my coaching and strategy calls… I think it’s time to challenge that idea. Entrepreneurs […]
Big Risks Mean Big Rewards
Over the last 4-6 weeks, we’ve been talking more and more about some really important topics, like… …And these are all part of the ongoing conversation that was sparked by the speech I gave at the Imaging USA conference back in January. Stepping into the Spotlight It’s really special for me that that speech has […]
Redefining the Power of Authenticity on Social Media
I just got another one. I was on a call with a client who said, “Amber, I hate social media… I don’t want to be an influencer… Do I have to make videos?” Yes. 🙂 But, this doesn’t have to be so painful. I promise! Beyond the Glam and Filters on Social Media We don’t […]
Podcast Promotion Dos & Don’ts
I have something I need to get off my chest concerning podcast promotion… When I see someone promote a podcast they’ve been featured on with a caption along the lines of: “I was so honored to be part of this podcast! Thank you sooo much for having me!!”, it doesn’t make me want to listen […]
Finding YOUR Best Method for Success
Speaking at live events, leading a mastermind, starting a community, offering consulting or 1:1 coaching, selling courses, hosting a podcast…there are SO many ways you can get your message out into the world. So how in the world can you figure out which method(s) are right for you?! This is a question that comes up […]
I’m Learning to Surrender
Two words that have been echoing in my mind lately are EMBRACE and SURRENDER… Specifically, I’ve been ruminating on embracing and surrendering to change. Something I’ve observed (and shared with you just a few weeks ago) is that most people try to resist change or cling to what they know when they sense change coming […]