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Mastering Deadlines: Achieve More Without the Stress!

Have you ever given yourself a deadline with the goal of preventing stress and keeping yourself on track…only for that self-imposed deadline to end up doing the exact opposite?

This is something I’ve seen a LOT of in my coaching calls recently. 😬 Although we have the best of intentions, these deadlines sometimes lead us down not-so-awesome paths. 

We push ourselves so much that we end up feeling anxious, rushed, exhausted, and downright burned out… and so do our teams.

There is a better way.

When you find yourself in a place of overwhelm, feeling like you have to launch something at a specific time, take a step back and ask yourself: 

  • What am I really trying to do here?
  • How does this deadline align with my WHY and my vision?

…When I step in and ask my clients these questions, 99% of the time they tell me what they’re really trying to do is positively impact their communities and the world around them. 

And when they’re reminded of their WHY, it becomes clear that the deadline they’ve given themselves is actually arbitrary. It’s not serving the people they want to help while simultaneously robbing all the joy and fulfillment from their launch!

Embracing Awareness and Finding Balance

Awareness is the first step to reshaping your experience into one that’s highest and best for all.

If you’re in a similar situation (I know I’ve been there before 🙈), I encourage you to see this experience as an opportunity to step into more gratitude, ease, and flow.

Reflect on when you can reasonably launch in a way that would give you the breathing room to enjoy the process and launch in a powerful way that’s aligned with your deeper goals…then give yourself permission to put that new plan into action.

Remember, change is NOT a sign of failure. It’s a sign of growth!

I guarantee that by being brave and extending your launch date when necessary, you’re going to be more successful, more fulfilled, and more rested—and the people around you are going to feel the same way. 🙂 

What comes up for you as you read this? Click here and let me know. I’d love to hear from you!

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