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The Power of Customer Appreciation

I am feeling the love lately – I’m not talking about love directed at me… I’m talking about love coming from me! I have so much love and appreciation for the people in my life (ahem, you!) that it sometimes overwhelms me, and I just have to share it.

It sounds mushy and corny, I know, and maybe your eyes just rolled a little bit (I forgive you!), but these feelings are what prompted me to write this particular message today. Why? Because sharing your appreciation is actually a very important component of running a successful online (or any!) business.

So this leads me to ask you… are you sharing the love with your new AND existing clients and customers? As an entrepreneur, it’s normal for you to focus on bringing in new clients (there’s nothing wrong with growing your business!), but when you get a little too focused on getting new clients, new followers, and new business, you risk totally missing the boat on appealing to your existing client base!

Biz Tip: Never underestimate the power of genuine customer appreciation.

What’s great is that there are so many ways to share your appreciation. It doesn’t have to be a lovey-dovey mush fest (unless that’s your style….lol!) or some unrealistic grand gesture. What really matters is that it’s coming from an authentic place. Do it because you truly value your customers and care as much about their businesses as you do your own.

You can do this simply and conveniently. Making the effort to build this rapport not only shows your customers how much they matter but also leads to retention and new business. Everybody wins!

Consider these ideas:

  • Send each new client a handwritten card or note thanking them and offering your support. Don’t forget to include your business card if you’ve got one!
  • Send an individual personalized email (NOT a mass email!) to someone you randomly select from your email list. Thank them for becoming a subscriber and ask them how you can support them or what they’d love to see in your newsletters.
  • At any random time, send an email or handwritten note to a client to say hello, check-in, and show your appreciation for them.

The time it takes to do things like this is sooo worth it because THEY are worth it…. Just as YOU are worth it. Give it a shot and comment below to let me know what happens!

To your success!

Amber Vilhauer

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