My Big News and Update

Thank you to everyone who took time to fill out my 3-question survey two weeks ago. Your responses confirmed my instincts about the education and experience that would help you grow your business in a more profitable, impactful, and fulfilling way. I wanted to let you know that I have taken your feedback to heart […]
Why You Need to Build Your Email List and How to Optimize It | 4-min Fast Track Video Ep #64

You’ve heard a lot of other experts and gurus say, “The money is in the list. Your email list is your number one online asset.” However, I’m a firm believer that quality is better than quantity. In this video training, I’ll be answering a great question from Sandy Rocourt of our NGNG community. “Why is […]
Latest WordPress Website Development Project For New To Online Teaching Website

When the client brings us an entirely new approach to an established niche, the responsibility is substantial. Here’s the story on how NGNG helped Online Teaching Coach Carolyn Williams to grow her business using expert WordPress Website Development and Online Marketing Support. (Thanks to a referral from the business education team at Mirasee) Of course, such […]
New Business Website foPersonal & Executive Coach Seeks Help from Design Experts for

Following a referral from well-known business coach Carolin Soldo, Personal & Executive Coach Maria Neizvestnaya got in touch with Amber seeking support to build a new business website. Maria did not have a website for her business at the time she came to us. She did have a very nice logo with some great imagery […]
Creating an eCommerce Website for an Anti-Aging Doctor

Dr. Stephanie Gray is one of the most credentialed female healthcare providers in the Midwest, focusing her practice in the areas of integrative, anti-aging, and functional medicine. With a new #1 bestselling book to promote, along with her online store featuring more than 80 dietary supplement products, she sought the help of JJ Virgin’s MindShare […]
Motivational Speaker Wants a More Personal Look to His Website

Dan Casetta is a Top Producer in sales, a popular motivational Keynote Speaker, and author. His mission is to transform business cultures by affecting how managers, employees, and peers interact with each other, so that they are more engaged, higher-performing, happier, and more loyal. With a new book soon to be published, Dan was looking […]
Founder of Profit Alchemy, Inc Seeks Help in Building a Podcast Site

Bob Serling has a revolutionary idea for developing, funding, and marketing products: collaboration. Since he believes strongly that success comes through relationships, he also believes in joint ventures. Further, he’s convinced that the best way to get his message across in our fast-paced world is in 15-minute bites of high-value information – thus, the idea […]
Creating a Website with a Personal Branding for a Naturopathic Doctor

Here’s the story on how we helped Dr. Christina Bjorndal, in developing a website with personal branding. Dr. Christina Bjorndal is Naturopathic Doctor with a practice in Edmonton. She is an authority in the treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, and eating disorders. One of the many doctors who have hired […]
Creating a Website that Reflects Who You Are and Your Passion

Thanks to a referral from the business education team at Mirasee, Risk Management Expert Carol Williams approached Amber and the NGNG Team. This is the story on how we helped Carol with website development. Risk management is anything but a static pursuit for an organization, at least as taught by Carol. Rather, it is a […]
Online Coach Seeks Website Redesign and Business Branding Support

Too often, even when a website tells a story, it does not accurately reflect the vitality and personality of the owner. Such was the case when online personal development coach Naomi Sodomin sought help with a website redesign from NGNG. After speaking with Naomi, Amber knew her website needed to more accurately portray the warmth […]