How to Build Your Audience Using THIS Proven Strategy

How would you like to build your audience with a proven strategy? Yep… something that actually works! There are 5 major struggles that authors, bloggers, and online entrepreneurs face when trying to grow their businesses. Can you guess the #1 struggle? According to a survey of over 10,000 authors and business owners that my friend […]
Staying Motivated – How to Keep Life from Intruding in Your Business

As entrepreneurs, we all know just how often life can interfere with the work we’ve chosen. There are just so many distractions for online entrepreneurs to cope with, especially when working from home. In fact, Pamela Zimmer recently asked about this in one of my Authentic Leader Q&A sessions. “When you know what your purpose […]
What Do Entrepreneurs and Olympic Athletes Have in Common?

Last night I watched as incredible men and women athletes skated down a mountainous wall of ice or snowboarded up one. World athlete leader after another, I began to find the common denominators. They all felt overwhelmed with guilt and disappointment when they lost, they all showed a combo look of fear and confidence before […]