Living Authentically

I got a really loving message from a member of our community named Nikolina in response to the newsletter I shared about outlasting your competition. In it, she asked a really important question that I want to share with you today. She wrote…“Maybe more the question of how to be authentic, and stay authentic, when you […]
How NGNG Stays Steady in a Shifting World

I just got back from California (check out the trip here) where I took Clay on a pretty outstanding trip for Spring Break. Just the two of us – it’s always my favorite time. We did it all… the flower fields, Legoland, date nights, sandcastles on the beach, cannonballs in the pool, walks, talks, giggles, […]
The Year of Efficiency

Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in work, like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done? I know I have in the past (🙈), and I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all had that experience at some point… In November I onboarded a new client who is […]
The Courage To Connect

I was recently in Nashville at Imaging USA, the largest annual conference for photographers in the US. I was hired as a featured speaker to teach photographers how to attract qualified buyers and convert using their website. I’m no stranger to speaking in front of big crowds (I’ve been doing it since I was 20!), […]
Selling vs. Serving

‘Tis the season for giving, which also means seeing an avalanche of promotions, deals, and offers. This got me thinking… If we’re so used to receiving these offers, why is it that so many members of our community feel guilty and uncomfortable asking people to buy their book (or product or service)? From my observation, […]
Celebrating Meaningful Connections for a Powerful Year Ahead

Happy Thanksgiving week to those of you who are in the US and everyone else around the world who celebrates! 🎉 The NGNG team and I share this feeling of extreme gratitude for each person who has found their way into our community and who makes the conscious choice to stay connected with us week […]
Interrupting the Procrastination Cycle

Sometimes, even though we know we need to do something, there’s this resistance inside us, and we just can’t bring ourselves to do it. A day goes by, and then another, and then a week or two or a month…and as time passes, we start to feel bad about ourselves and go down a bit of […]
How to Avoid The Pinball Effect and Be More Productive

A recent coaching call got me thinking more deeply about how “chaotic” our minds can get as entrepreneurs. In this blog, I’ll share with you the “Pinball Effect” and how to avoid it so you can be more productive. Do you ever feel like the ball in a pinball machine? We’re trying to focus on […]
Shake the Apple Tree

I want to share a concept that came to me not too long ago, and it’s really made a difference. There were certain aspects of my business that had been feeling a bit stale… or it just felt like certain things weren’t working no matter how much effort I put in, how well-researched I was, […]
The Grass is STILL Not Greener on the Other Side

You may have heard me say this before, but this is a message is worth repeating (over and over and over again)… The grass is not greener on the other side. Have you ever looked at someone you admire and think about how easy they must have it or how much you wish you could experience […]