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Selling vs. Serving

‘Tis the season for giving, which also means seeing an avalanche of promotions, deals, and offers. This got me thinking…

If we’re so used to receiving these offers, why is it that so many members of our community feel guilty and uncomfortable asking people to buy their book (or product or service)?

From my observation, it’s because we are notorious GIVERS. We love to share our ideas, experiences, and all that we’ve learned to help others grow!

But that’s where things get tricky, because asking someone to buy your book or your service can feel like the opposite of giving – it can feel like taking. 

The truth is, it isn’t about taking at all…

It’s about giving the GIFT of transformation. 

Your followers/customers are looking to change themselves and the world for the better. They long to learn how to be deeply fulfilled, lean into the challenges of life, and find meaningful connections with the people around them – and YOU are offering something that will help them get there.

Seriously…that’s the farthest thing from taking. It’s a WIN-WIN!

To help your community invest in their own transformations, you can’t hold yourself back. That just does everyone a disservice.

Instead of focusing on selling, shift your focus to SERVING.

You don’t need to be pushy or inauthentic in the way you go about things. By leading with love, fostering meaningful connections, and believing in the tremendous value you’re offering, you’ll elevate the experience for everyone.

And that’s what it’s all about. 🙂

Getting more market share is the key to accessing the people you want to serve the most. To help you get your powerful message into the world, I’d love to share three important areas you need to focus on when it comes to growing your influence, getting more market share, and really being viewed as a leader in your industry…

When we show up each day for others, everything changes for the better. We’re happier, more focused, making an impact, AND selling as a result…

And that’s a pretty awesome gift. 🙂

What’s helped you feel more comfortable marketing your book/services? Click here and let me know so we can help each other grow!

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