Recently, a prospective client asked me what NGNG’s specialty is. That question hit my passion button! Lol
I wanted to share my reply with you because, in this market, it’s really important you’ve taken time to deeply consider what differentiates you from anyone else in your industry. By looking at some of my specificity, perhaps you will uncover areas where there’s the opportunity for you to go deeper in your work and how you communicate what you do with prospects. 🙂
“Would you say you handle a lot of the overall package of needs for authors, or do you all have a specialty?”
My core focus areas are:
- Website design and branding (that emotionally and mentally connects with the viewer and therefore grows conversion)
- Marketing strategy and training for your team (so you can save money, keep control and power, and stay consistent, and therefore have a stronger ROI)
- Launching books (in a way that grows a platform and monetizes and strengthens the brand long-term)
Once I can fill in the gaps, fix any potential issues in the platform (website and marketing), and strengthen/align the monetization model, then the business is ready for launch. Along the way, I also need to get the author ready for launch (by freeing up their time, cutting the fat of their workload, toughening their mindset, and empowering them to network and grow).
The launch itself is focused on the ’cause’ behind the book (so that the transaction of book sales feels less icky) and supported by a community of colleagues/influencers and followers. We have strategies (that grow from our root belief in human connection) that naturally create a compulsion for people to join in and support the launch. Post-launch, the focus is on driving consistent marketing behaviors that lead to continuous growth in book and other service sales.
The WHOLE enchilada is our focus because I am interested in growing healthy businesses.
The book launch becomes a great reason to get the right operations in order, a great-looking platform in place, spark conversation industries-wide, and have the sum total be that catalyst for long-term sales and personal fulfillment.
Getting asked about NGNG’s specialty (and therefore having the opportunity to revisit that question myself) feels perfectly aligned with the other questions I’ve been thinking about now that we’re in the final stretch of 2022: What do I want for the future? How do I want to lead? Where do I want – no, need, to lean in?