Today’s tip video outlines how I turned an operation into a course that can be monetized.
I just finished creating a “Relationship Management” Operation course (…er, what? More on that in a moment).
First, let me give you some context. One of the things that makes NGNG most special is our relentless focus on human Connection. Relationships are the fastest path to achieving your business/message/impact goals. #Fact
It’s our obsession with Connection that helped us build an award-winning business offering branding/website design, organic content marketing support and Bestseller Book Launches. Let’s zero in on book launches for a moment.
You want some SCARY facts that were just published?? 90% of published books sell less than 2,000 copies. Of 58,000 trade titles published per year, half of those sell fewer than one dozen books. (That’s becasue the industry doesn’t have the education or strategy to prepare author’s for launch, and also why we work so hard to turn things around.)
There are lots of ways to launch a book, but the way that we do it is by harnessing the power of relationships and creating win-win outcomes with them. We have a Relationship Management Operation which helps our authors revive relationships, create undeniable connection, and get their network compelled to take action and support the cause behind the launch. They take action through bulk book purchases, hriing the author for speaking/workshops/training, promotion to their communities and more. It’s almost unbelievable! But don’t take our word for it, hear what Beth Hendler-Grunt has to say about it.
In large part to this RM Operation, our “brand new” authors with tiny communities sell an average of 500-1,000 copies “at launch”, and more experienced authors are selling 7,000-15,000 at launch. (More than one dozen, eh?)
Today’s Fast Track video is about how I turned this operation into a course that can be monetized. I went into so much detail about the operation itself because I find it so fascinating and thought you might too. Check out the video if you want to learn how we made the course: