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5 Ideas to De-Clutter Your Life and Gain Consistent Energy

Think of the last time you felt full of energy, completely giddy and vibrant from your soul to your skin. Now, imagine if you could feel that way more consistently in your life…

Instead, most of us feel like we never have enough time, guilty for not being able to do it all, and discouraged from not getting the results we want (whether with our level of fitness, in our relationships, or in our work).

Today I offer you 5 ways I was able to cut the noise and return to my most authentic and creative self, all by de-cluttering my life.

1. Clear out that Inbox.

You can’t imagine the pressure and anxiety that a full email Inbox can add to your life. At a subconscious level, you can feel weighted down, that you’re never making enough progress, and that you’re not getting done even the smallest of tasks. Unsubscribe to email lists you don’t read and spam emails then organize your email (highly recommend Active Inbox as a tool to do so).

2. Yes/No the items in each room.

This weekend, go into each room with a careful eye and look at each object. Ask yourself, “Is this object in this room because it makes me feel happy?” If yes, keep it. If not, move it to the center of the room on the floor. Do this for each room, then gather up all of the items in the center of each room and place them in a pile in your basement, attic, or spare room. Next, sell the items or give them away. Do not hang on to items just because it was a gift and you feel guilty getting rid of them. Guilt is one of the fastest ways to give up your vibrancy. Keep items that make you feel happy because they look good, or bring you a happy memory… doesn’t this feel like a better alternative?

3. Brain dump on a to-do list.

You’ve heard it a million times before – but there’s a reason for that! Instead of Post-It notes scattered, and 5 different to-do lists, try one. One simple, organized to-do list for each day. This is one of the top action items I did to maximize my productivity and efficiency (oh, and I don’t feel stressed every day!). I created a 30min video on how to manage your stress and overwhelm plus I offered a download to my own personal to-do list I designed. You can get it free here »

4. Clean your office desk before you end each day.

When I finish for the day, I write out tomorrow’s to-do list and then I clean my desk. I put my calculator back in its place, organize my papers in a neat stack, wipe off my desk and push in my chair. I leave my work in the office so I can fully be present and vibrant in my personal life. The next morning when I come into my office, it’s screaming out to me to come play and get creative. A clean, clear space can do wonders for soul work.

5. Create a routine for personal development.

Believe it or not, this is one of the most important ways to de-clutter. Your mind is constantly running, and most of the time it’s cycling through a disorganized mess of random thoughts. Personal development allows time to get to know yourself and your dreams, and helps you grow into the person you ultimately want to be. You can write, meditate, exercise, say affirmations, visualize, read – whatever turns you on. I highly recommend Hal Elrod’s book, The Miracle Morning. This book/experience will bring you more energy, focus, and a whole lot more vibrancy!

What idea calls out to you the most? Which one do you want to start doing? Leave me a comment and let me know. I’m also happy to answer any questions or offer more support.

If you thought this was helpful, please help me share this article on your social networks.

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