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Why You Should Set Aside Time to Get Creative

Do you worry that your message is starting to sound like everyone else’s? Standing out online is tough, and because you tend to connect with people in the same industry, it becomes even more challenging. You can start feeling discouraged because it seems like nothing you’re doing is making an impact.

…Sound familiar?

I’ve been running a successful online business for over a decade, and this challenge still pops up now and then. Know how I beat it? I get creative! And that’s exactly what I encourage you to do.

I almost never feel more alive than when I’m creating – don’t you agree? Here’s what I recommend:

Get Ready

For the next two weeks, I want you to COMMIT and set aside 30 minutes every morning to do nothing but create in your business. Mornings are often when you’re most energetic and least distracted. What better way to start the day than feeling the excitement of creating something that helps others?

Get Creative

Dedicated creation time might feel strange at first, but I promise this will soon become some of your most sacred moments! Start by brainstorming topics that relate to your message. Here’s a great exercise. These are the topics that fuel your creation of products, blog content, social media posts, and more. Then, set a goal to create one product (free or paid) or service each month.

Imagine the progress and success you will achieve in your business just by the end of this year if you stick to this plan!

I use it myself, and let me tell you, I continue to make great strides in my business each month. Our sales growth has been consistent and rising over the years and it’s all due to this time set aside for focus and creation.

Use your creativity! It allows you to maximize your talents and impact the most people. Most importantly, it brings you happiness and fulfillment! I know you’ve got it in you. It’s time to let it out and show the world what you have to offer! Give this a try, and then comment below to let me know what you think. 🙂

Amber Vilhauer

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