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Marketing Titles that Sizzle and Sell

I want to address this idea of super sexy marketing titles for eBooks and blog posts because getting caught up in that can reeaally prevent you from publishing content confidently.

So many entrepreneurs think that getting results is all about coming up with that snap-crackle-pop title. Yet at the same time… we are also so over-stimulated by the sizzle that we can’t tell which products are actually good!

If you have a webinar, product, or service that you’re delaying pushing out because you are stuck rethinking and rehashing the title, I say go with your gut instinct and get it out into the world!

Yes, of COURSE you want a title that resonates with people. I’m not at all suggesting you don’t put effort into good copywriting.

I’m suggesting you not over-analyze things too much because doing so will delay your results and prevent you from helping nearly as many people as you could if you were taking stronger, more immediate action.

As an example, I was recently talking to a client about blogging and I told her I write and publish most of my blog posts in 15 minutes. Her jaw dropped! She could not believe I wasn’t spending 2 hours on each blog post I share.

The reason why I can bang out content so quickly is because I trust my expertise. I believe people will get value out of my efforts. This is all part of having a strong mindset. I know I’m not perfect (and that’s ok!), but I try really hard to be spot on, not make mistakes, and not skimp on value.

The point is that if I know I’m giving it my all then I will help others and succeed as a result.

It’s about the VALUE you offer – not the sexy title. The sexy title helps for sure but it’s not THE reason people gravitate to you. It’s not the reason they buy.

They will see your value in your content that sells the program, in your voice on that free webinar, and in your enthusiasm on email blasts and social media. That’s the “essence” that sells your products.

This message is about understanding where to put your creative energy and taking massive action… because the world needs your message and only YOU can deliver it!

Amber Vilhauer

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