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Finding YOUR Best Method for Success

Speaking at live events, leading a mastermind, starting a community, offering consulting or 1:1 coaching, selling courses, hosting a podcast…there are SO many ways you can get your message out into the world. So how in the world can you figure out which method(s) are right for you?!

This is a question that comes up all the time in my coaching and strategy calls. And it’s a super important one to ask!

However, I’ve observed that most of the time people aren’t actually asking how to figure out what method is right for them – they’re asking what method they should use. And there is a HUGE difference between those two. 

Embracing Methods Tailored to You

See, what’s being taught by most people in digital marketing is that everyone “should” have a course, and “should” have an upsell, and “should” have a funnel, and “should” have a ________ (you fill in the blank).

The truth is, to say that one method works for everyone is irresponsible. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to sharing your message with the world, growing your business, or scaling your influence. 

No one method is better than the other – there are only methods that are better suited for you. 

If you’re someone who shrinks away from being the center of attention, trying to force yourself into becoming a speaker is NOT going to set you up for success. 

Whereas if you’re someone who is always the life of the party, then speaking at events, hosting experiences, or leading a group mastermind is muuuch more likely to be a great fit.

Listening to Your Reactions and Finding Flow

To figure out where you should lean in, monitor your own reactions.

What makes you want to shrink and retreat away? What opens you up? What feels like a herculean, impossible task? What feels easy? What gets you into a flow state?…

Pay attention to when you’re feeling uplifted and what feels natural, then lean in there. And if the method that once came naturally starts feeling hugely daunting, go where you’re feeling lifted up at that time!

The only way your message is going to get into the world is if you feel open to sharing it. 

So the next time you feel stuck on how to share your message, take a moment to reflect on what feels right, then trust yourself and where your gut is leading you. 🙂 

What comes up for you as you read this? Click here and let me know. I’d love to hear from you!

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