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5 Tips for Setting Reasonable Deadlines that Work

Warning: This message will punch some of you in the face (…in a loving and supportive way, lol).

If you ever wonder where the content for these blog posts comes from, it’s from my many weekly coaching calls, plus an array of social media groups. I pick up on patterns of specific challenges people are facing, and this week’s resounding challenge is the pain and suffering that comes from self-imposed deadlines.

Seriously. SO many people are putting very intense deadlines on tasks, projects, launches… and that can have a crippling effect if not managed properly.

I felt compelled to share a few tips and insights to set deadlines in a reasonable and effective way that creates a culture of success:

  • Plan in buffer time for the unknown. This may be the biggest area for improvement. Life is complex and ever-changing. Plan time to be flexible for the events that pop up without warning.
  • No one knows your expectations. This is a close second to pay attention to. You may have a grand idea of how your launch or project will be executed… But if you don’t get a chance to create that extra bonus, or if you need to set a delivery date for one week later, NO ONE will know the difference but you. Take comfort in that. Be flexible.
  • It doesn’t have to be perfect. Perfection is a killer of dreams and goals. (Oh, and perfection doesn’t exist… *glass shatters*). Learn in 4 minutes how the perfectionist mindset is holding you back and what you can do to overcome this common obstacle.
  • Give yourself a break. I’m NOT suggesting you need to turn into a slacker. I believe taking action is the key to success. But, if you’re burning the candle at both ends, you have my permission to ease up a bit, take an afternoon off, spoil yourself a little, and know that work will always be here waiting for you. No need to always be in the cycle of rush, rush, rush.
  • Be super careful of this trap: Comparison. We tend to put unreasonable expectations on ourselves naturally due to the ever-increasing pace of society brought on by the digital age, but comparison plays a HUGE role in our dissatisfaction. We see “everyone” launching new programs “so quickly and effectively. Remember, the grass is NOT greener on the other side.

Which of the 5 insights above was the one you needed to hear today?

Comment below and let me know. I’d love to hear from you. 🙂

With gratitude for all that you do to better yourself and others.

Amber Vilhauer

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