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Update on Clay’s Silent Auction: We raised a total of $12,698!

Make Your Website Do the Work: The 6 Site MUST-Haves to Gain Credibility, Grow Your Following, and Generate Sales

Simply put, your website is the hub and heart of everything you do online.

This is your chance to completely express who you are, what you do, and the value you can add to others.

Your website is how you capture leads or build your following, and how you sell your products and services. It’s how you connect with people and get them excited to share your message.

You have a global audience at your disposal, you can’t afford NOT to make your website the very best it could possibly be.

There are 6 primary goals for your website

Your website MUST clearly showcase your brand. If you have a template-based website that looks like everyone else, how do you expect to stand out? You want to have a fresh, modern, different look to your website so you become memorable and you stand out from the sea of zillions of other websites.

Your website MUST clearly define your core message/beliefs, what makes you different and how you can support your prospects. If you find yourself trying to appeal to the masses or if you’re not even confident in your core message, how do you expect anyone else to understand what you do?

Your website MUST offer high-quality educational content. Too many people setup a website and let it sit. Your website needs constant attention and nurturing just like a plant or pet. If you don’t add fresh content or keep on top of outdated content, your site will start to die and search engines will stop sending traffic your way.

Your website MUST rock at capturing email addresses to convert those individuals into your loyal, long-term following. If you don’t find some way to draw in a visitor and get them excited about your content then you have an extremely high likelihood that person won’t come back again. Don’t leave it to chance! You want a strategy behind how to capture people’s interest.

Your website MUST convert your following into customers. Your website should not act as merely a brochure. You can absolutely generate sales from your website if you have the proper strategy going into it.

Your website MUST heavily integrate social media so others share your content. There are multiple ways to integrate social media into your website so that you’re A) capturing your visitor’s interest, and B) so visitors can easily share your content on their social networks. This is free marketing and a HUGE way to increase exposure to your brand and message.

I have designed and developed more than 200 WordPress websites in the past 7 years and know exactly how a website needs to be setup and function in order to generate REAL results for you.

Request our complete service menu with pricing, timeline information and details.

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