Have you ever finished writing a blog post or newsletter, only to immediately dive right into the next marketing task on your list…and then another…and another…until half of the day (or more, yikes!) had slipped away?
I know just how draining being stuck on that hamster wheel is, because around 8 years ago, I had a day just like that…
…And the thing is, it wasn’t only that one day. Early on in my business, I was spending sooo much time on my marketing in addition to all of the other things I need to do as a business owner.
I knew there had to be a better way.
Leverage to Scale
I remember asking myself: “What’s the fastest way I can do my marketing without sacrificing quality (or my mind, lol) while still developing meaningful connections with people at every point along the way?”
That’s when I got the idea to develop a content marketing game-changer for myself and other entrepreneurs alike…and how Leverage To Scale was born. Just like that, HOURS were trimmed off my schedule…hours I could then spend growing my business in other areas, or now, simply enjoying an afternoon with my son.
As you know, I’m incredibly passionate about helping build healthy businesses. So when I discovered how valuable Leverage to Scale was for me, I decided to open it up to others…and the results have been POWERFUL.
Recently, I was chatting with a photographer I met when I was in Nashville speaking at Imaging USA, and she let me know she was interested in learning more about how Leverage to Scale could help free her up in her business. I gave her a demo of the program that struck up such an awesome conversation between us that I wanted to share it with you here, too. 🙂
Leverage To Scale not only gives you an actionable plan to meet the new demands of social media and marketing, but it will help systematize the process so you can still get things done in a fraction of the time you would spend otherwise…
What could you accomplish if you freed up 20 hours of your time per week?
Think about it, then click here to let me know!! I’d love to cheer you on. 🙂