NGNG Helps Online Fitness Trainer Improve His Branding and Messaging

A unique approach to fitness training and coaching requires an equally unique online presentation. After all, coaching is the fastest-growing internet marketing niche in the world, which makes branding and messaging critical to success. This was the challenge we faced when we were approached by personal trainer and health coach Kalvin Evans, founder of Xodus […]
NGNG Helps Spiritual Life Coach with Website Redesign

When one’s goal is to help others pursue and find their spiritual source, as it is for Spiritual Life Coach Anne Ross, the website used to convey that message must offer a sense of peace combined with competence. Knowing how to make such a statement as part of the WordPress website development process is a […]
NGNG Helps Online Fitness Trainer with Marketing and Branding

Online coaching offers a range of difficult marketing and branding challenges. Perhaps the most problematic of these is that the internet is an inherently impersonal environment from which to try and market oneself. Knowing this, online coaches must present themselves in ways that are unfamiliar to many online marketing firms or to less experienced WordPress […]
Therapist Seeks Website Development and Marketing Support for her Clinic

Dr. Jeff Caster is a psychologist in Littleton, CO, a comfy suburb southwest of Denver. He has a Masters and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and has been in private practice since 2005. Recently, he sought and found WordPress website development and online marketing support to help him grow his practice. While staying current in his […]