What Do Entrepreneurs and Olympic Athletes Have in Common?
Last night I watched as incredible men and women athletes skated down a mountainous wall of ice or snowboarded up one. World athlete leader after another, I began to find the common denominators. They all felt overwhelmed with guilt and disappointment when they lost, they all showed a combo look of fear and confidence before […]
Your Job: Acting the Part
You know, this economic situation has me thinking. Not a day goes by where I am not thankful for the good job I have, the great people I work with, and all of the people that helped me get to this place in my career. Hands down, the most influential company responsible for my leadership […]
Building Rapport with Clients Can Help Close Deals
I’m sure that in your experience as a business person you’ve come across someone who really made you feel good. That salesperson who listened intently to everything you said, that went the extra mile to fulfill your order – that person who genuinely cared. Now, remember that feeling for a minute and ask yourself: Am […]
How to Get an Extra Hour Out of Your Day
How can you get an extra hour out of each day? This is a basic challenge for all of us. I’ve discussed this challenge with action- and results-oriented people I know. Together, we’ve come up with many practical ways to secure one more precious hour each day. (Remember that each of these tips is probably […]