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Update on Clay’s Silent Auction: We raised a total of $12,698!
NGNG™ has successfully launched more than 1,500 websites!
We can manage and execute just about any website project. Whether you want to start a site from scratch, transfer an existing site into a better platform or redesign your current site; we have an honest, hard-working team that can deliver the results you’re looking for.
We are in the midst of a MAJOR Connection Crisis right now… and… our team knows how to position you to win the attention war online!
You’ve probably noticed that getting your message out to the world — or getting people to pay attention to that message — is much, MUCH harder than it used to be.
Offer a striking first impression (but you can’t just be proud of your site… you need to get results with it!)
Be built with the Customer Journey in mind (we help you map this progression to drastically increase the likelihood they will take action with you!)
Explain your messaging and positioning in a “crystal-clear” way.
Be experiential, and focused on developing personal connection with prospects.
Have a strategy baked in that converts qualified lookers to confident buyers.
Need I Say More?
NGNG™ only builds on the WordPress platform to offer you full range of customization and expansion opportunities.
We build your website from the ground up - no templates here.
We give you and your team FULL video training so you are educated and empowered to make changes to the site moving forward - no traps here.
We can split the cost into 6 equal monthly payments with no interest, and no delays on launching the site. Your site can launch month 1, and you can keep making your payments.
Have a strategy baked in that converts qualified lookers to confident buyers.
Sites can go live within 4+ weeks (depending on your schedule - we are swift.)
Our service menu offers you a very comprehensive review of our offerings, pricing and payment plan options. We believe in FULL transparency so you can make the best decision for your future.
If you like what you see, you’ll be invited to a no-obligation call with us to discuss your project and see if we’re a fit to help. We will fully educate you in all areas (because you don’t know what you don’t know, right?) … so you are empowered to move forward with confidence and ease.