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Your Job: Acting the Part

You know, this economic situation has me thinking. Not a day goes by where I am not thankful for the good job I have, the great people I work with, and all of the people that helped me get to this place in my career. Hands down, the most influential company responsible for my leadership qualities and development was Vector. Here are a few of the powerful ways to improve your professional self and get that promotion you’re wanting!

Always build up your boss or manager in front of clients and co-workers. Even if there is turmoil between you and your boss, it’s no one else’s business. Let it go in front of clients and co-workers.

Be early (10 minutes) – never late – for everything work-related. It is a sign that you are reliable.

Don’t be shy. If you have something to add to a brainstorming session or group discussion – even a management meeting – speak up about your ideas. You never know what might be the ‘next best idea’.

Bitch up. Naturally, you will have complaints about an unfair client or a huge workload but never, ever complain to the staff below you in rank. You should only be getting them excited about the next step – so always complain to the person above you in rank.

Always be on top of inventory. Self-explanatory.

Be organized and be a great notetaker. Saving notes from conference calls and meetings, saving emails – anything and everything – doesn’t make me a packrat. It makes me darn good at my job. If I need to look back on a record of a client saying one thing and doing another, I have a backup source to stand behind. If you are a thrower-awayer, you can’t have that confidence when confronting someone about a situation.

Don’t cross the manager-friend line. Take it from my experience. Once your co-workers think of you as a friend more than a superior, you shot yourself in the foot. You will ask them to do something by the deadline, and they will start coming up with excuses or expecting favors to extend deadlines just because you hung out and have a bond.

Be activity-driven, not time-driven. You’ve heard of the phrase, “Lead by example.” I work until the job is done. If I work late, it’s because I didn’t manage my time properly and prioritize. I can only blame myself. Don’t punish your employer or clients for mismanaging your own schedule.

Have a focus to improve your promoting skills.

Study the next step. Always strive to improve. Look at the duties and responsibilities of how the person in rank above you acts and works. Study them and start to act the part. That is the fastest way to get a promotion.

Find something to do. Ever feel bored and sluggish? You should be determined every time you show up to work to do your best. Always find something to do – trust me, you’ll never run out of something to do. When you are bored you are usually avoiding the items on your list that you have no desire to do. That’s why I always try to do those items first – just get ‘er done!

Always target people in your organization to develop to the next level, and tell your superior. Not only will your superior start to look at you in a new, great light – but they can help support you in the development of that person and you can accomplish your goals a whole lot faster.

Don’t wait to be told what to do! Raising your awareness works wonders for your career. Study the business that you are involved with. What are their goals? Where is the company lacking? Then, brainstorm some ideas to bridge the gaps. Just imagine the success that would bring!

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