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What Will Happen If You Don’t Publish Content on a Regular Basis

Are you struggling with the “I don’t have any time!!” syndrome?

Do you feel like you are constantly trying to catch up and never seem to have control over what you’re doing?

Trust me when I tell you, this is NOT an effective way to run a business long-term. If you are in a constant state of fight-or-flight in your business you will burn out and not produce the kind of *consistent* results that are absolutely necessary to big success.

Now hopefully I’ve caught your attention.

The decay

If you get sidetracked or delayed and you’re only publishing a blog post here and there, or posting on social media when you can, or are still working on that product idea you had a year ago… you MUST get a schedule in place and do things more routinely. Why? Here are a few good reasons:

  • Your search engine ranking can drop. If you are a caffeinated web owner and you keep asking for SEO experts to help with your ranking, it would behoove you to first look at how consistently you are creating content. Google rewards those who publish highly valuable, educational, how-to content on a consistent basis. Yes, there are MANY other factors to SEO, but this is a biggie. Trust me.
  • You won’t achieve nearly the social media results you could have otherwise. If you aren’t publishing content regularly, your audience won’t set their alarms to check back daily to see what’s new. The harsh reality is that they will move on and follow someone who is giving them what they need. When this occurs fewer people will share your content on social media, which means you’ll get worse results overall. Your opt-in rate will suffer, fewer leads will come in asking for your pricing, and you’ll start to hear crickets more quickly than you would think.
  • You’ll look less credible. Do you trust and follow the Marie Forleos, Ali Browns, Fabienne Fredricksons, etc. of the world who are constantly coming out with hot new information? Or do you lean toward sites that are ghost towns with their last published blog post years ago? The difference is vast in these two scenarios. I personally want to follow someone who is doing what I want to do. Someone who is straight-up kicking ass and taking names (in a heart-centered, authentic way of course!).  You may be secretly hoping people don’t pick up on the times you’ve been unable to stay present and offer more content, and you’re probably right. It’s a subconscious choice I think that people go where the action is.

The reality is that when you publish anything new the world pays attention. And when you don’t publish anything new, the world moves on until you’re ready to publish something new again.

The question then becomes: how much do you want the world to notice you?

Assuming you mean serious business about your future, then my recommendation is to go back to the high school mindset and get yourself a schedule you have to stick to, or else.

Blog 1-3 times per week depending on your schedule and how quickly you want to grow your business. Email your email list and get active on social media multiple times a day. Make a schedule for product launches and teleseminars.

The initial two keys to success are goal setting and scheduling. After that, execution. (And yes, I know this is a toughie for many…)

If you think you won’t be able to stick to your schedule, throw in some repercussions.

You control your outcome. You control your outcome.

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