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Putting Myself Out There (You Too!)

Have you ever looked at someone you admire in your industry and thought: “If I do things just like them, then I’ll be successful”?

I observe this idea popping up all the time…and it couldn’t be farther from the truth.

I’m sure that person’s website is awesome, their content rocks, they have great products and programs, their videos are spot on…

But they do NOT have (nor could they ever have) the unique perspective that only you hold inside you. 

To stand out from the crowd and make the impact you dream of having, you have to do things in a way that’s authentic to who YOU truly are. 

Emulating Others Does Not Guarantee Success

When your marketing and sales approach comes from parroting what someone else is doing, people can feel that the way you’re going about things isn’t genuine to you, which leads to distrust and prevents you from meaningfully connecting with the people you so badly want to serve…

But when you are truly self-expressed in your marketing and authentic in your business, everything becomes easier. You don’t have to put on your marketing or sales hat or remember a script — you’re just being you and sharing what’s in your heart. 

And by being yourself and putting your message and your values out there, guess who gets attracted to that? 

…People who share similar values!

Suddenly you’ve got qualified prospects coming in, and they’re feeling the alignment between how you show up in your marketing and during sales and on calls, and there’s trust between you, and you’re fostering this really powerful connection…

And at that point, it doesn’t even feel like you’re selling anymore because you’re able to be fully present and 100% focused on serving and making a difference. 🙂

Individuality is Your Superpower

So if you ever find yourself looking at someone and thinking you should do things their way to achieve the success they have…let this message serve as a reminder that your individuality is your superpower. 

And listen, you’re not alone in the learning process. I am starting to express myself more genuinely as time goes on. It just takes time to trust the process. Follow my journey with it on Instagram.

What comes up for you as you read this? Click here and let me know what’s on your mind. I’d looove to hear from you!

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