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Your Inspiration Today: Rocky Balboa’s Speech to His Son

“It ‘ain’t about how hard you’re hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward – how much you can take, and keep moving forward!”

When I heard this, it was as if stars aligned and it all suddenly made so much sense. I’ve heard similar phrases and words, but this particular set sunk in deep down. Anthony Robbins taught me that at the most random time, you can hear something that will Awaken the Giant Within.

For those of you who don’t know, I wrote a book about my life which is not released yet. I wrote about how I went from this negative, depressed teen (for very good reason) to overcoming and, most importantly, understanding what happened to me so I could move on and not let the past affect my future.

So naturally, when I saw the latest Rocky Balboa movie and heard his speech to his son, I was blown away by the wisdom. We’ve all been hit hard by life – there’s no doubt in my mind. I’ve personally known people that survived their partner committing suicide, the loss of their 8-year-old son, cancer survivors, losing millions due to a bad business deal, messy divorce, and more. Yes, a little dark for today’s post maybe, but look beyond the pain.

Each and every one of those people rose up and moved forward. They learned from those experiences. Though they will never forget the feelings those experiences brought, they still simply chose to get back up and stand up to Life.

To those of you out there that have done the same, I congratulate you. Today, reflect on those times in your life when you stood up and moved forward. Give thanks for your strength and treat yourself to a little something nice today.

Link to YouTube video speech

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