Do you LOVE what you do every day at work?? If not, it’s seriously time to evaluate why that is and make an action plan to create a working environment that gets you fired up to show up on time, be super productive and grow your business.
If I notice a pattern of unhappiness at work – maybe I get stressed every time I talk to a certain client or do a certain task – as soon as I am aware of it I evaluate if that “thing” is really necessary. If it’s a client that just rattles my cage then I either try to alter our communication to make it more enjoyable, or I will politely and professionally let that client go. If it is a task that rattles my cage, I consider if someone else on my team may enjoy the task or if I can alter it to make it more enjoyable.
The point is, it is never worth the expended energy, stress, and after-effects to keep that client or project on your plate. There is always a solution and what you may find in an awful situation may just be someone else’s goldmine.
So today, I invite you to be aware throughout the day and notice what rocks your boat – then dream up alternatives to feel better about it or hire someone else to do the job.
You deserve to be happy and healthy and successful!