I read a really good blog post last week that inspired the heck out of me. I HAD to share it with you…
Christine Cress is the name of the leadership coach who wrote this amazingly insightful blog post, titled “Was He Ever Invested?”
You really, truly, should make time to read this…
In the post, Christine shares a story about her tween son who had a summertime mentor/friend. This young man is a college student who comes to work on ‘special projects’ with him. (Amazing idea, parents!)
Two weeks into this fast-forming and fulfilling relationship, Christine’s son excitedly asked her if the mentor will come next summer too. She immediately got what was behind that question…
Christine goes on to share the loss, disappointment, and pain that her son had experienced in life so far. She was aware enough to see that her son was asking about the duration of this friendship to protect himself from future disappointment and loss… WOW, right?
How many of us hold back from going “all in” because we want to protect our hearts from more pain?
How many times have we held ourselves back because we were afraid of failure, embarrassment, or other peoples’ opinions? This holds true in business as much as it does in our personal lives.
This post hit me on a deep level, and I enjoyed questioning the areas of my own business and life in which I’m holding back.
Don’t just read my summary, read Christine’s full post here. She has a knack for story-telling and writing blog posts!
I think you, too, will hold yourself accountable for any lingering areas where you are holding back.
Love, love, love Christine’s willingness to not hold back and to share her gifts with the world!

Christine Cress, an accomplished leadership coach, provides nurse and physician leaders with evidence-based practices in leadership and communication.
Do you have a post you’d like me to read? Feel free to share anytime. 🙂
Amber Vilhauer