Staying Motivated – How to Keep Life from Intruding in Your Business

As entrepreneurs, we all know just how often life can interfere with the work we’ve chosen. There are just so many distractions for online entrepreneurs to cope with, especially when working from home. In fact, Pamela Zimmer recently asked about this in one of my Authentic Leader Q&A sessions. “When you know what your purpose […]
How I Selected a New Online Appointment Booking System

It happened. I broke down and finally got an online appointment booking system for my business (and I think you’ll want to learn why and how it went…)! We all want to do whatever we can to stay organized and on track. Yet, for some reason, I have always avoided using an online calendar system. […]
3 Quick Productivity Reminders to Stay on Your A-Game

The demands on an entrepreneur are at an all-time high, and the intensity is only rising. To-do lists are getting longer and customers expect results faster, which means you are being forced to manage your time – every minute of it – otherwise your business will crumble. If you want to stay on top of […]