How and Why to Repurpose Your Content | 4-min Fast Track Video Ep #1
Do you ever feel overwhelmed trying to figure out what to do with your content? With so many ways to distribute content these days, it’s no wonder why so many people are pulling their hair out trying to figure out what’s best for their business. Everyone has a preference for how they absorb content. Some […]
3 Quick Productivity Reminders to Stay on Your A-Game
The demands on an entrepreneur are at an all-time high, and the intensity is only rising. To-do lists are getting longer and customers expect results faster, which means you are being forced to manage your time – every minute of it – otherwise your business will crumble. If you want to stay on top of […]
How to Self-Promote Without Overdoing It
Going into forums or commenting on blog posts with promotional material can do a lot more harm than good sometimes. You may be ignored; you may be condemned; you may even be removed from the group by the moderator. Once you’re identified as a “spammer,” you’re only going to turn off the audience. As an […]
Overcome Failures and Flaws for Faster Results
Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn. Boy, isn’t that the truth? Sometimes we scroll through our Facebook feed and feel super lame, inadequate, and like we’re just plain not good enough. I hate that feeling! It’s a very common response that springs from social media though. We see all the “good stuff” people promote and […]
Do You Feel Frozen In This Economy? 5 Tips to Get Energy & Take Action Again
I see it happening everywhere. Entrepreneurs know what they need to do, they get inspired, but when it comes to taking action… they freeze. This got me inspired to write a blog post in hopes of spreading awareness, then offering some solutions to get you back on your feet again. I have been one of […]