Staying Motivated – How to Keep Life from Intruding in Your Business

As entrepreneurs, we all know just how often life can interfere with the work we’ve chosen. There are just so many distractions for online entrepreneurs to cope with, especially when working from home. In fact, Pamela Zimmer recently asked about this in one of my Authentic Leader Q&A sessions. “When you know what your purpose […]
3 Quick Productivity Reminders to Stay on Your A-Game

The demands on an entrepreneur are at an all-time high, and the intensity is only rising. To-do lists are getting longer and customers expect results faster, which means you are being forced to manage your time – every minute of it – otherwise your business will crumble. If you want to stay on top of […]
My Best Tips to Reduce Stress and Avoid Overwhelm

If you’re an entrepreneur who’s struggling to make your online business successful, you’re probably trying to cope with stress on a daily basis. As an entrepreneur myself, working to grow my online business development done-for-you service business, I know exactly what you’re dealing with. Plus, I’m regularly asked how to cope with stress and avoid […]
5 Tips to Manage Your Email Inbox to Reduce Stress and Stay Productive

Is your email Inbox making you stressed? Do you find it hard to get anything done because of this out-of-control monster? Enjoy 5 tips I use to stay on top of emails: Only subscribe to lists that provide absolute value and you really trust the advice given and that is pushing your business or life […]
4 Ways to Reduce Overwhelm from Your Busy Schedule

This is a slower time of year for some businesses, but some are experiencing a high workload. If you’re the latter, it’s key to prevent yourself from getting too overwhelmed. Overwhelm causes us to drain our energy much more quickly and leads to a lot less productive environment, thereby offering new reasons to be even […]
PRODUCTIVITY TIP: To-do lists are key + project management free download

We all have to-do lists in some form or another. Some have twenty Post-It notes scattered around their desk, others have booklets. I actually have discovered the most brilliant time to do mine. It’s not in the morning but rather at the end of each day. Just before I shut down my computer and exit […]