My Big News and Update

Thank you to everyone who took time to fill out my 3-question survey two weeks ago. Your responses confirmed my instincts about the education and experience that would help you grow your business in a more profitable, impactful, and fulfilling way. I wanted to let you know that I have taken your feedback to heart […]
Amber Vilhauer: Her Story and How She Built NGNG

Join me as I take some time to reflect back on all of the trials and successes over the last 15 years since NGNG was born.
5 Choices that Will Hurt Your Launch

If you’re a business owner launching something this year—a book, a coaching program, a mastermind, anything like that — here are the 5 choices that could hurt your launch. 5 CHOICES THAT WILL HURT YOUR LAUNCH These wrong choices could hurt your launch, so let’s explore the right choices. THE RIGHT CHOICE: GIVE YOURSELF PLENTY […]
Nail Your Pricing Strategy to Attract Your Ideal Client

I want to share some valuable wisdom that I only understood after YEARS of working in my own business. (This is not something people talk about very commonly, but it’s really profound if you’re ready to hear it.) It has to do with the pricing you choose for your services, products, events and so forth. […]
Why You Should Set Aside Time to Get Creative

Do you worry that your message is starting to sound like everyone else’s? Standing out online is tough, and because you tend to connect with people in the same industry, it becomes even more challenging. You can start feeling discouraged because it seems like nothing you’re doing is making an impact. …Sound familiar? I’ve been […]
How to Create Online Strategic Partnerships to Scale Your Business | 4-min Fast Track Video Ep #50

Are you looking to grow and scale your business by working with strategic partners? Creating these partnerships is a truly effective way to accomplish this goal. But there are several key things that you need to know and do in order to ensure a successful relationship. What you have to remember… My clients are always asking […]
6 Tips to Survey Your Audience and Monetize Your Business

I’m excited to share 6 tips to survey your audience to ensure that you’re giving them what they really want (and monetizing your business in the process). It’s a total win-win! Survey your audience! Sounds like a no-brainer, huh? But most people aren’t doing this. If you’re one of them, I highly encourage you to […]
Build Your Business Slowly to Reduce Overwhelm

Don’t you hate feeling like you have to do everything at once?!? It’s such an overwhelming feeling to constantly have that pressure weighing you down, especially when you’re running an online business in addition to everything else that’s on your plate. Well, you’re gonna love this… I’m giving you permission to NOT have to do […]
The Power of Customer Appreciation

I am feeling the love lately – I’m not talking about love directed at me… I’m talking about love coming from me! I have so much love and appreciation for the people in my life (ahem, you!) that it sometimes overwhelms me, and I just have to share it. It sounds mushy and corny, I know, […]
The No Guts No Glory Challenge!

Summer has passed, kids are back in school, and the keyboard is just staring at you… ready for you to take serious action. It’s the fall. You want to finish the year strong. Maybe you’re already thinking about your January launch plans. Maybe you’re thinking about how to make 2017 your BEST year ever. But […]